Thursday, October 9, 2008


Just a quick update. Last night was good leading worship at the Wednesday night study. Daniel and Toby, a couple of German brothers helped me since sweet McKenna was down for the count. She slept all day Wednesday and half of today. Ann thinks it's a flu bug. The Diguna nurse said to go ahead and have her take the Malaria treatment since McKenna thinks she has Malaria just in case. She said it can't hurt her if it's not Malaria and if it is it'll knock it out. She's recovering already which may mean it's not Malaria, but anyway THANKS FOR YOUR PRAYERS! She ate today and is packing. She'd told me earlier today that she didn't know what she was going to do at the airport. I told her, "Well you'll smile and pretend you're well or they won't let you o the airplane." YIKES!

Anyway, she's up and about now and hopefully after a good night's sleep will do fine at the airport.

I'm all packed and ready to go. Ann asked me to lead a couple of songs at her Self-Confrontation class this morning and after singing tonight at a little dinner will retire my guitar for the trip. WHAT A MONTH!!!! We pray that the Lord will continue to bring to mind the biblical songs we brought to many children. May they be impacted on into adulthood and may they have a great hope for a bright future even when their world is dark.

Gotta go. Due at the Michnicks (sp??) at 7:00.

Bob and Ann have been SO kind and hospitable to us. WOW! They are truly wonderful and we pray that the Lord will continue to use them to His glory. Many people are responding to what they're hearing of God's Word that's going out on the airwaves to about 2,000,000 listeners even in surround Muslim countries. There is warfare going on and prayer is needed.

Economically things are getting more difficult for the poor as food prices keep rising. Politically things are still bubbling the surface and prayer is needed.

More later...

PRAY FOR US to have a safe flight.

LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

The Neus... said...

Hi girls! What a beautiful blog! Oh how I have loved reading every word! Thank-you for taking the time and allowing us to see what God is doing in His big world!
Thanks so much for sharing :) Can't wait to see pictures! Love you girls!

Tammy Neu