Sunday, October 12, 2008



On Tues. Sept. 23 we headed up to Kijabe town about an hour’s drive from Nairobi to serve at Kijabe Hospital. It started as a small mission station set up by the African Inland Church Missionaries in the late 1800’s. The town’s name is derived from the Maa language meaning "the windy place," and wow - it's amazing how at sunset the wind absolutely howls down the mountain into the Rift Valley below. The wind rattles the windows and sounds like the dead-of-winter! The temp drops to the low/mid 50's which is wonderfully chilly!

AIC Kijabe Hospital is nestled at the edge of the Great Rift Valley escarpment in Lari division of Kiambu district. It is a frontier of sorts of Central and Rift Valley province. We turned off the highway onto a thin bumpy snaky road that spiraled down through thick forest into Kijabe.

Kijabe Hospital is non-profit and has been a landmark for those seeking affordable treatment from far and wide. It has grown to a total bed capacity is 249. The hospital sees an average of 300 people daily with a large percentage of the people coming from as far as North Eastern, Somali and Ethiopia.

We had to wait for this bus to squeeze through the narrow tunnel before we could continue on down to Kijabe.


Dan, up close and personal...

Dan has taken Peter into his house to help him out. Dan also has a family of three living with him and a M*slm doctor.

McKenna enjoying the late afternoon sun in Dan's doorway.

McKenna and I didn't have any idea as to exactly what we would be required to do at Kijabe Hospital. We just tried to flow with whatever came...

The first thing they wanted us to do was to minister to the doctors, nurses and support staff during their morning chapel service. The little message I gave was from Gal. 6:9, "And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart." I spoke of the importance of remembering the cross of Jesus because this gives us strength. You can DOUBLE-CLICK to see more detail.

Morning staff service.


Oh my goodness, this sweet sweet Kenyan lady certainly lives out her name! I just love her! She's the chaplain at Kijabe Hospital's Bethany Home for Children division. Every day Mercy goes around to see each and every mother and child. She encourages them by talking to them, reading to them from the Bible and by praying with them. So Mercy took us on her rounds. We spent the entire day with her and loved every moment of it. It was one-on-one right at the bedside.

This little boy's name is William. He has a bar between his legs. He began to follow Jesus about two weeks ago.

It was awesome to walk around to the different wards. This poor distressed mama said that she wants to begin to follow Jesus.


We had done a puppet show and had sung in this tent facility. Afterwards they wanted to form a "greeting line." Each mama and her patient-child came and hugged on our necks. We were very moved. DOUBLE-CLICK for detail.

DOUBLE-CLICK for detail.

One of the Kenyan mama's sang with us!


We visited Cure Kenya - a division at Kijabe Hospital - at around 4:30 on Thursday to meet the staff and sing some. They do a lot of orthopedic surgery here. Behind this wall is a small 4-bed ward for children. Within this little ward and to your left were people gathered to listen.

The chaplain to my left was interpreting for us as needed.

On Friday we got to minister at Cure Kenya International to some of the patients and one of them, a severely handicapped girl in a wheelchair (DOUBLE-CLICK for detail) raised her twisted hand to indicate that she wanted to follow Jesus. In this clip you can see when I walk to her and sing, "Anakupenda, anakujali..." which means, "He loves you, He really loves you!" and boy she was smiling!


Mercy took us into the hydrocephalus ward. The term hydrocephalus is derived from the Greek words "hydro" meaning water and "cephalus" meaning head. It's a condition in which there's excessive accumulation of fluid in the brain. The little babies had big swollen heads and each one had his/her mom staying in bed alongside.

You can DOUBLE-CLICK to see more detail.

The babies would have a shunt in their heads where they were drained or a little incision wound.

This is Juliette and her baby who gets to go home tomorrow. She was so happy.

Many of the moms were very worried. One was crying because her baby hadn't nursed since 4:00 a.m., so we prayed with her for God to heal the baby and to give her His peace.


Getting ready...

Kijabe Hospital, I learned, is concerned for more than just the physical well-being of its patients. One of the chaplains took us to their outpatient waiting room. Each morning they have a little chapel service to welcome new patients.

He asked me to speak after singing. So I spoke to the people and said, "Jesus said, 'Come to Me all who labor and are heavy burdened and I will give you rest." I can't remember now exactly what all I said, but I informed the Kenyans and M*slms sitting there that Kijabe is a Christian hospital and that we want to help them in any way we can. I asked if anyone wanted prayer. About 4 people put their hands up and so we prayed for them.

Outpatient waiting room.


This is a Somali woman named Diamond. We had met her in the hallway on our way to lunch. She'd known Mercy and as she greeted her, Diamond grabbed each of our hands, kissed them and hugged our necks. I learned that she had been M*slm but decided to follow Jesus, and as a result her relatives are trying to kill her. She was at Kijabe Hospital seeking help. She showed me a scar on her arm and motioned to her back while she said, "They beat me very badly." She was so sweet but sad too. Her husband has said he no longer wants his daughter. Pray for Diamond.


We sat for lunch with the chaplains and enjoyed good food and conversation. To my left is Chaplain Mark who is the head of the chaplains. They are all very committed Christian men and women dedicated to caring for any willing souls of Kijabe's patients.


There were about 8 babies inside incubators including the teeniest preemie I'd ever seen. The chaplain led us to each incubator and asked us to pray for each child.

Sorry this pic is tilted. This is Christine, a tiny baby girl who was found abandoned. The nursing staff are all caring for her.


Each day the relatives of patients come to this relative waiting yard and wait till after they have heard some songs and a message about Jesus. On my left is a doctor who was playing the keyboard there (you can DOUBLE-CLICK to see detail), and now he's holding a mic for my guitar which was nice of him. McKenna is holding a mic for my mouth...they were a little short on equipment!


Mercy took us to minister to the survivors of the church fire which had been set during the post-election wars earlier this year. You can read more about it at–-replenishing-life-hope-to-all/.

There were four children who've been at Kijabe since January, and about 3 adults. Mercy is 14, Mary 16, Jedidah 4 and Anthony is 11. They barely survived a church fire in Kiambaa a small village in Eldoret at the height of the violence. They had fled from their homes after they were attacked and property gutted following the announcement of the presidential poll results.

This is Anthony. The burn patients are still in a lot of pain. They are very disfigured and some of their fingers are melted off. But they managed to smile and enjoyed our visit very much. If you can take it, DOUBLE-CLICK for detail.

We sang a Swahili song about being thankful, "Hakuna Mungu kama wehweh, Hakuna popote..." (There is no God like You; There is none, there is none.)

When Mercy said to me, "Patricia please read something from the Bible to them and encourage them," I thought - what can I say to these who have been through so much pain? I opened the Bible she handed me and read about Jesus suffering on the cross and rising from the dead. I said, "Jesus truly knows what it's like to suffer. He suffered to take your sins away. He loves you..." I heard them say yes in agreement. I told them that Jesus had saved them because He has some good plans for their lives. I told them that when they leave they need to tell people how wonderful the Savior is. They nodded their heads and it was an awesome time.


While we were in a hallway, a man saw my guitar, grabbed my hand and wanted to sing a song! Below is a little clip...

He was so excited about Jesus! He told me that his son has decided to be a minister and is in seminary studying. He begged, "Please come down to Laundry and sing! Please come! Please!" So here we are in the Laundry Department singing with him! He was truly a happy person.

You've got to DOUBLE-CLICK and see this baby's smile!

DOUBLE-CLICK to see detail.

This is a Somali woman's little boy. It was wonderful to go bed-to-bed and shake people's hands in introduction. This is required - that you make "introductions" before you do anything at all.

These two patients said that they want to follow Jesus. We pray that He will manifest Himself to each one in the days to come.


This is the main street of Kijabe!

We saw their school classrooms which were left open and unlocked...

Here are the desks they use.

You can DOUBLE-CLICK to see detail.

This is what was written on the board to Dan's left.
DOUBLE-CLICK if you can't read it.

This was a little veggie duka in Kijabe. Dan is there to the left, his pastor friend is to his right and there's McKenna.

These are the children of Dan's friend the pastor in the veggie duka pic.

Here's McKenna purchasing some snackies in a super-duka.

This man lives in Kijabe and was riding his bike when he saw Dan Dooley driving by. He let me take his pic then asked for some money which I gladly gave. What a smile!

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